P. A. Ageev1, A. I. Sinani2, G. F. Moseychuk3, T. A. Lomovskaya4
1–4 JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Zhukovsky, Russia)
One of the JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” development direction is the design of L-band active and passive electronically scanned arrays (ESA). The main one, but not the only one function of such ESA is operating as IFF interrogator antenna. Results achieved during the development and producing of the linear L-band AESA, placed in the wing movable leading edge have been considered. Some of features of IFF interrogator antenna have been described.
Main troubles of linear L-band AESA design are defined by controversial requirements for the antenna, namely the need for radiators placement in a small volume, lack of single design of AESA and expanding the scope of application of airborne L-band systems. As a result of development multifunctional wideband AESA with ability to control the form of the radiation pattern in both transmit and receive mode has been created. AESA is made as a group of single devices not related constructively but only by means of high frequency lines and power and control lines.
The group of broadband radiators for installation in small and extended compartments in the wing leading edge has been developed. Special hardware and software for tuning and testing the antenna has been made. Technological issues of cables manufacturing have been worked out quality of which has a special meaning for AESA with distributed structure.
Characteristics of transmit-receive modules for L-band AESA in terms of working with impulses with different width and duty cycle, high efficiency in the whole operating frequency band and wide frequency band of all other devices open the possibility to AESA operation in the whole band between domestic and foreign state identification system.
To solve the problem of measurement of AESA parameters in the transmit mode, the method of linear L-band AESA radiation pattern recovering based on measurements of complex transmission coefficients with follow-up pattern calculation, accounting real radiators placement in the wing including radome structure, all construction elements of the wing leading edge and uncertainties of measurements has been developed. As a result of producing dozens of antenna systems we can talk about stable antenna characteristics and repeatability of its parameters.
Ageev P.A., Sinani A.I., Moseychuk G.F., Lomovskaya T.A. Multifunctional airborne L-band active electronically scanned array.
Antennas. 2021. № 4. P. 63–72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202104-08 (in Russian)
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