S. N. Polotnova1, B. I. Sapsovich2, E. I. Starshinova3, A. D. Heifets4
1–4 JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Zhukovsky, Russia)
The authors of the article present results of Reggia–Spencer phase shifter modification. They list the most important parameters of the device to be optimized. These are: support of a given operating band when exposed to a range of temperature; stabilization the phase performance within the operating band; maximization of the quality factor; minimization of phase setup errors; achievement of given phase shifter speed and low power consumption. As a result of experiments with sizes and materials, the modified device received sub-square waveguide, ferrite-dielectric core and titanium housing with silver coating. All these changes let the phase shifter become the lightest and the most miniature among devices of this type.
Polotnova S.N., Sapsovich B.I., Starshinova E.I., Heifets A.D. Waveguide ferrite phase shifter. Antennas. 2021. № 4. P. 31–36.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202104-05 (in Russian)
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