A. O. Kasyanov
Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
This article is devoted to the analysis of numerical study results of printed frequency selective surfaces scattering characteristics. It has been shown that these frequency selective surfaces may be used as antenna radomes. Numerical results have been obtained by full-wave simulation of frequency-selective surfaces with dielectric covers. The numerical research results of the scattering characteristics of printed frequency selective surfaces as antenna radomes based on metal-dielectric gratings and thick perforated screens have been presented. A comprehensive numerical study of microwave frequency selective surfaces based on multi-element multilayer printed reflectarrays and thick perforated screens has been carried out. Constructive solutions for metal-dielectric structures in integral design, realizing the functions of frequency selective surfaces, have been found. These solutions are based on performed numerical studies. The problems of constructive implementation of multilayer planar spatially selective as frequency selective surfaces have been considered. These frequency selective surfaces are integrated into radiation systems of modern multi-element printed phased arrays. The problems connected with creation of such arrays have been also considered. The numerical simulation results for frequency selective surfaces based on metal gratings with dielectric covers have been obtained. These results can be used to select the most rational options for the topology of metal-dielectric gratings. Such solutions may be useful for design of multifunctional radomes in microwave antenna systems. Based on the obtained numerical data, the possibilities of using flat gratings as frequency selective surfaces in the composition of antenna radomes have been considered. The spatial frequency-selective structures proposed in this work are performed as multi-planar printed gratings. These gratings are designed to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of closely spaced radio electronic sets. These radio electronic sets operate in close frequency ranges. They contain antenna arrays. These arrays are placed under the antenna radomes.
Kasyanov A.O. Frequency selective antenna radome based on metal-dielectric gratings and perforated screens. Antennas. 2021. № 3. P. 39–49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j03209601-202103-06 (in Russian)
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