N. V. Samburov
Head of Department, JSC «Typhoon» (Kaluga)
E-mail: madara_40_rus@mail.ru
R. O. But
Construction Engineer, JSC «Typhoon» (Kaluga)
E-mail: samburov.n.v@yandex.ru
The purpose of this article is to review and justify the choice of emitters for constructing energy-efficient high-performance broadband active phased L-band antenna array with wide-angle scanning in 2 planes. Phased antenna array characteristics, accepted as reference:
wide scan angle in the H-plane not less than ± 450; a wide range of frequencies at least 40%;
small overall dimensions of the radiating aperture, not allowing to consider the canvas without taking into account edge
effects; high energy potential, which means high electric strength (up to 1 kW per channel); reduced spurious emission outside the scanning area (more than 45 °).
Here are the requirements for the emitters of the above-described active phased antenna array:
- Emitters dimensions must comply with the structural requirements for the antenna array construction (array step, emitters arrangement method) and not «obscure» each other in the area of the working scanning angles in the E and H plane.
- Emitters spatial bottom width in the grating should not be less than the angular width of the area of electronic scanning of the active phased antenna array beam. Beam main lobe distortion in the scanning area by an amount higher than 1 dB is not allowed.
- The emitter in the grating should be consistent with the power system in the working range of scanning angles and frequencies.
- Reduced spurious emission in directions outside the scanning area.
- High efficiency, to ensure both reception and transmission, and sufficient dielectric strength with limited dimensions. As active phased antenna array emitters, the simplest weakly directional antennas are used, which is associated with their low cost and high manufacturability. Technical solutions in the class of vibrator antennas (dipoles) are subjected to further analysis.
The use of dipole antenna arrays in wide-angle and broadband applications leads to a number of technical limitations, such as:
limited broadband emitters (including and as part of the antenna array), determined by their design features and mutual
influence; a limited sector of the formation of unidirectional radiation (shape stability (radiation pattern) in the frequency band, determined by the condition for the appearance of interference lobes and the mutual influence of the emitters, leading to distortion of the amplitude-phase distribution; the occurrence of the effect of «blinding» of the lattice in individual sectors of the scan and frequencies associated with the
effects of external (spatial) and internal interaction of emitters.
Based on the above requirements for emitters, taking into account the design features of the AFAR, the following most important technical problems can be identified, the solution of which must be considered:
- ensuring a wide working frequency band;
- ensuring consistency in a wide sector of scanning angles;
- ensuring a stable spatial pattern of the emitter in the grating.
Consider the general constructive methods that can be used to solve the above problems. Group them according to the constituent structural elements of the vibrator:
- Shoulders shape of the vibrators.
The main limitation of the classical symmetric vibrator emitter using is its small working frequency band (up to 10%). So the passband ( 2f ) of a symmetric half-wave vibrator can be estimated by the following expression [5, p. 187]:
4 73,1
2 f f0 , WВ
where is WВ the wave impedance of the vibrator. It is determined by the cross section, shape and length of the shoulders.
- Balancing device type.
Using a coaxial line determines the presence of balancing devices to power the shoulders of the vibrators. In the decimeter range, various types of balancing devices are used, the basis of which are various loops (including the U-elbow), glasses, transformers and slots, as well as their combinations.
3. Reflector shape (including matching structural elements).
In fixed sector vibrator headlamps, a solid conductive surface is usually used as a reflector. Its shape and location relative to the shoulders has a strong effect on the bottom of the emitter in the grating and the matching of the grating in wide scanning angles and in the frequency range. The factor taking into account the influence of a flat aperiodic reflector on the DN is estimated by the expression:
Fра sin(kdr cos ) ,
where is dr the distance from the vibrator to the reflector.
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