A. O. Perfilova – Ph.D. (Eng.), Business Development Director,
Inspider LLC (Moscow)
E-mail: a_perfilova@bk.ru
Analysis of scientific and technical materials in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radio electronic equipment (REE) in assessing their mutual influence through antennas shows that the main parameter of the EMC of REE complexes is the decoupling coefficient between antennas.
The purpose of this work is to study the characteristics of the mutual influence of wire antennas and to compare the calculation results with experimental data.
The study of the electrical characteristics of the mutual influence of wire antennas, arbitrarily located above the perfectly conducting and real earth has been carried out. Typical wire antennas for decameter wavelengths used in medium-power radio stations for communication by ionospheric waves VN-13/9 (VG-13/9), VN-40/12 (VG-40/12) have been considered. The results of calculating the frequency dependence of the decoupling value for antennas of different types at different values of the lateral and longitudinal spacing have been presented. The mutual influence of antennas of various types on each other has been considered, in particular, when they are located on the same mast.
The results obtained can be used to formulate general recommendations for the deployment of antenna systems.
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