A. D. Drize – Post-graduate Student,
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
E-mail: temadrize@gmail.com
K. N. Klimov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
E-mail: const0@mail.ru
In this paper, we show the results of numerical electromagnetic simulation of a frequency diplexer which is a part of the feed of a ground-based satellite communications station operating on circular polarization at downlink frequencies 11,75–12,75 GHz and uplink frequencies 17,3–18,4 GHz made using software CST Studio and ANSYS HFSS. The frequency diplexer based on waveguides consists of three elements. The first element is a small frequency diplexer based on a tee in the E-plane, which uses resonant irises to decouple the corresponding frequencies with an attenuation level of 20–25 dB. The second element is a low-pass filter based on shortcircuited stubs with capacitive irises for matching. It has VSWR below 1,1 and isolation above 65 dB. The third element is a high-pass filter based on the evanescent waveguide. The VSWR level is provided below 1,1, and the isolation level is above 50 dB. These elements have been combined using custom rectangular waveguide sections to avoid common-mode peaks in the respective bands. The final design of the frequency diplexer has VSWR below 1,2 and isolation levels below -70 dB in both stopbands, which meets the requirements.
- Drize A.D., Klimov K.N. Elektrodinamicheskoe modelirovanie obluchatelya, polyarizatora i selektora polyarizatsii. Antenny. 2020. № 4. S. 63–70. (in Russian)
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