A. O. Perfilova – Ph.D. (Eng.), Doctoral Candidate,
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
E-mail: a_perfilova@bk.ru
One of the main requirements for mobile radio mast antennas is the deployment time requirements. The second requirement for modern mast antennas in the meter wavelength range is the requirement for broadband. Vertical antennas of the resonant type, which form the basis of modern antennas in the meter range, have a low overlap coefficient, which necessitates the simultaneous deployment of several standard sizes of antennas.
The aim of the work is to develop omni-directional mast antennas of horizontal polarization in the meter wavelength range with improved range properties.
Numerical studies of the dependence of the electrical characteristics of wire antennas on the heights of their location above the ground and the type of polarization in the range of meter waves have been carried out. Optimal geometric ratios of an antenna of horizontal polarization of the meter wavelength range, made on the basis of a symmetrical vibrator with two points of excitation, have been obtained.
The results of the study can be used in practice to develop designs for effective antennas of horizontal polarization in the meter wavelength range that fully meet the requirements for antennas of mobile radio communications. The use of antennas of horizontal polarization in the meter range will not only improve the electromagnetic environment at objects and communication centers, but also increase the energy potential of radio lines.
- Perfilova A.O., Perfilov O.Yu. Razrabotka nenapravlennykh machtovykh antenn gorizontal'noj polyarizatsii metrovogo diapazona dlin voln. Antenny. 2011. № 1. S. 44–50. (in Russian)
- Perfilova A.O., Perfilov O.Yu., Troshin G.I. Vzaimnoe vliyanie blizkoraspolozhennykh provolochnykh antenn na ikh diagrammy napravlennosti. Antenny. 2012. № 3. S. 67–71. (in Russian)
- Alkhovski E.A., Berezhnaya I.V., Ilinski A.S., Kondratjev A.G., Perfilov O.Yu. Investigation of HF and VHF ground antennas for communication systems. Electromagnetics. 1999. V. 19. № 2. P. 171–185.
- Perfilov O.Yu. Razrabotka machtovykh antenn blizhnikh svyazej dekametrovogo diapazona dlin voln. Antenny. 2002. № 8–9. S. 23–26. (in Russian)