N.G. Knyazev – Research Engineer,
JSC “ORKK” – “NII KP” (Moscow)
E-mail: Knyazev_NG@orkkniikp.ru
O.A. Kurdyumov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
JSC “ORKK” – “NII KP” (Moscow)
E-mail: Kurdyumov_OA@orkkniikp.ru
V. E. Sagach – Head of Research and Production Complex,
JSC “ORKK” – “NII KP” (Moscow)
E-mail: Sagach_VE@orkkniikp.ru
The article is devoted to the current topic of obtaining information about the position of the phase center (PC) of the antenna system. Knowledge of the position of the PC is necessary when designing antenna arrays, mirror and lens antenna irradiators, and phase navigation systems.
The method for finding the position of the PC, in which the zenith cuts of the phase pattern are measured for a number of azimuth angles, is known. Next, the least squares method searches for the coordinates of the PC that minimize the known quadratic form. However, this method does not allow us to determine the dependence of the position of the PC on spherical coordinates, and gives results that are not confirmed by the experiment.
Based on the theoretical analysis of the dependence of the received signal phase on the rotation of the antenna at spatial angles, a simple method for determining the coordinates (MDC) of the PC of antennas has been developed. This method allows us to investigate the dependence of the position of the PC on spherical coordinates. To calculate the position of the PC, it is necessary to make symmetrical turns of the antenna at a fixed zenith angle and measure the signal phases in these positions. Then one should turn the antenna over 90° in the azimuth plane and repeat the measurements.
Experimental studies of some types of microstrip antennas have been carried out, which confirmed the validity of the proposed method. According to the MDC measured positions of the PC, antenna movements were performed into the PC, which showed the validity of this method with a sufficient accuracy for practice of ~±0.5 mm.
At the same time, the least squares method gives values of the positions of the PC that do not coincide with the experimental values and do not depend on the azimuth angle.
The direction of decreasing the dependence of the position of microstrip antennas on spherical coordinates has been shown. To do this, one has to go from single-point excitation to four-point excitation and increase the height of the substrate. This will improve the accuracy of determining coordinates from navigation satellite signals.
The proposed method for determining the coordinates of the PC allows developers of antenna devices to perform operational control and optimization of the phase properties of antennas.
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