350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Radar search of people under snow blockages using a spherical resonant reflector
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-202001-02
UDC: 621.396.677
  1. Bioradiolokatsiya. Pod red. A.S. Bugaeva, S.I. Ivashova, I.Ya. Immoreeva. M.: MGTU im. Baumana. 2010.
  2. Gorbachev A.A., Danilov V.I., Chigin E.P., Vasenkov A.A. Obnaruzhenie nelinejnykh rasseivatelej pri provedenii poiskovykh rabot. Nelinejnyj mir. 2007. № 7–8. S. 455–458.
  3. Nefedov E.I. Ustrojstva SVCh i antenny. M.: Akademiya. 2009. S. 162–164.
  4. Spravochnik po radiolokatsii. Pod red. M. Skolnika. Kn. 1. M.: Sov. radio. 1976.
  5. Yatskevich V.A. Difraktsiya elektromagnitnykh voln na mnogoslojnom share: analiticheskoe reshenie. Materialy XVI Vseross. nauch. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem «Vuzovskaya nauka – regionu». Vologda: VoGU. 2018. S. 113–116.
  6. Panchenko B.A. Rasseyanie i pogloshchenie elektromagnitnykh voln neodnorodnymi sfericheskimi telami. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2013.
  7. Koryakova Z.V. Keramicheskie materialy v SVCh-tekhnike. Komponenty i tekhnologii. 2011. № 5.
  8. Markov G.T., Petrov B.M., Grudinskaya G.P. Elektrodinamika i rasprostranenie radiovoln. Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. M.: Sov. radio. 1979.                         

Currently, radar methods are increasingly being used to search for people caught in snow blockages. Appropriate equipment should be easy to operate and reliable when working in any climatic conditions. However, the radar devices available to the search and rescue service units do not always satisfy these requirements.

The goal of the article is to propose a radar search method based on the use of a passive reflector of a spherical shape, placed in the clothes of people for whom there is a possibility of being under snow blockages.

Study of the reflective properties of the ball was carried out on the basis of an analytical solution of the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves. One of the advantages of such a reflector is that the maximum of the reflected wave at the lowest resonant frequency is always directed towards the probing antenna. As a material for the ball, a new type of microwave ceramic with a high dielectric constant (ε = 130), with low losses and high temperature stability was chosen. The diameter of the ball is determined to be 30 mm, for which at a frequency of 870 MHz the value of the effective scattering area is 0.072 m2, which is 100 times greater than the area of its diameter. To reduce noise arising due to reflection of the wave from the snow surface, a variant of the probing antenna for the radar in the form of dual director antennas has been developed. The result is an acceptable signal to noise ratio when the ball is at a depth of not more than two meters under snow.

The study shows the possibility of creating a search radar of a simpler design than that of well-known analogues.

Pages: 11-17
  1. Bioradiolokatsiya. Pod red. A.S. Bugaeva, S.I. Ivashova, I.Ya. Immoreeva. M.: MGTU im. Baumana. 2010.
  2. Gorbachev A.A., Danilov V.I., Chigin E.P., Vasenkov A.A. Obnaruzhenie nelinejnykh rasseivatelej pri provedenii poiskovykh rabot. Nelinejnyj mir. 2007. № 7–8. S. 455–458.
  3. Nefedov E.I. Ustrojstva SVCh i antenny. M.: Akademiya. 2009. S. 162–164.
  4. Spravochnik po radiolokatsii. Pod red. M. Skolnika. Kn. 1. M.: Sov. radio. 1976.
  5. Yatskevich V.A. Difraktsiya elektromagnitnykh voln na mnogoslojnom share: analiticheskoe reshenie. Materialy XVI Vseross. nauch. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem «Vuzovskaya nauka – regionu». Vologda: VoGU. 2018. S. 113–116.
  6. Panchenko B.A. Rasseyanie i pogloshchenie elektromagnitnykh voln neodnorodnymi sfericheskimi telami. M.: Radiotekhnika. 2013.
  7. Koryakova Z.V. Keramicheskie materialy v SVCh-tekhnike. Komponenty i tekhnologii. 2011. № 5.
  8. Markov G.T., Petrov B.M., Grudinskaya G.P. Elektrodinamika i rasprostranenie radiovoln. Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. M.: Sov. radio. 1979.                                                                        
Date of receipt: 10 октября 2019 г.