A. N. Dementyev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow)
E-mail: A.Dementev@tmnpo.ru
D. S. Klyuev – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department of Radioelectronic Systems,
Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)
E-mail: klyuevd@yandex.ru
M. S. Kurushkin – Applicant,
Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)
E-mail: kurushkin-m-s@yandex.ru
A. M. Neshcheret – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory,
JSC “SIC RS” (Samara)
E-mail: nam@siprs.ru
S. A. Shatrov – Leading Design Engineer,
JSC “SRC “Progress”
E-mail: serg-shatrov@yandex.ru
Conformal antennas are the antennas that completely repeat the shape of the surface on which they are placed. The shape of the conformal antennas is determined primarily not by electromagnetic, but by the aerodynamic requirements imposed on the object on which they are placed. Therefore, the main field of application of such antennas is military aviation and rocket technology. However, they are also widely used in civil aviation, military vessels and land vehicles. Despite the large number of publications on this subject both in Russia and abroad, indicating that conformal antennas are currently at the peak of scientific interest, issues related to the formation of radiation characteristics of conformal microstrip antennas have not yet been studied in detail. Questions of the influence of the dimensions and geometry of the emitter on the radiation characteristics also have been described not enough.
The aim of the work is to develop a new method for the analysis of conformal cylindrical emitters, characterized by increased accuracy and speed of calculations.
The methods were based on the surface impedance method previously developed for microstrip and slotted transmission lines and vibrator antennas. As a result, integral representations of the electric and magnetic fields of conformal cylindrical emitters are obtained, relating them to the distribution of current density on the surface of the emitters. The method for determining the functions of the distribution of current density on the surface of emitters is based on the mathematical apparatus of singular integral equations, numerical solution of which belongs to the class of correct mathematical problems according to Hadamard. Numerical algorithms for solving the obtained equations have very fast convergence. In addition, their computational efficiency is also ensured by the fact that, in contrast to the well-known universal methods implemented in foreign packages of electrodynamic modeling, they do not imply discretization of space or its individual areas into a huge number of segments, and therefore, large amounts of operational memory and powerful processors.
The proposed method makes it possible to very effectively conduct electrodynamic analysis of conformal cylindrical emitting systems, to determine such characteristics as the distribution of the radiation field in space, the radiation pattern, the directional coefficient, the current distribution over the emitters, the input resistance, the polarization characteristic, etc. The application of this method will expand theoretical knowledge in areas of conformal microstrip antennas, in particular issues related to the formation of character of emission of conformal emitters of microstrip antennas, the influence of dimensions, emitter geometry, shape and electrodynamic parameters of the substrate on the radiation characteristics.
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