V. Yu. Aronov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department,
JSC “SIC RS” (Samara)
E-mail: avy@siprs.ru
A. L. Buzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director,
JSC “SIC RS” (Samara)
E-mail: buzov@siprs.ru
M. A. Buzova – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist,
JSC “SIC RS” (Samara)
E-mail: bma@siprs.ru
Yu. I. Kolchugin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Director of STC of Information and Telecommunication Technologies,
JSC “SIC RS” (Samara)
E-mail: kyi@siprs.ru
In modern conditions, the processes of antenna modeling and designing, as well as analysis of electromagnetic compatibility and safety, cannot be imagined without the appropriate methodological support and software which is used to equip the workplaces of developers of facilities. The quality of the products obtained directly depends on its choice.
In this regard, the urgent task is to analyze the existing methodological support and software for designing antennas and solving the problems of electromagnetic compatibility and safety analysis and choosing the most suitable software.
In practice, electrodynamics problems often arise in which the antenna system contains antennas of various types, ranges and purposes. To solve them, the most effective way is application of approaches based on a combination of several methods, taking into account the mutual influence between all elements of the system. It has been shown in the work that for electrodynamics analysis of such antenna systems it is most expedient to use a system of combined methods that combines the Fredholm’s integral equations of the first and second kind, two-dimensional integral equations with surface integrals and a physic optical calculation model within the framework of a general computational design.
As for the problems of mechanics, numerical methods are the most common methods for solving them. Many numerical methods are based on variational equations.
Two software complexes of electrodynamics analysis of complex antenna systems (software package (SP) SAMANT and SP SCATER), as well as SP for providing electromagnetic safety (PEMS) and special software for computer-aided workstation for providing electromagnetic compatibility (SS WHSC EMC) have been created and are actively applied for internal use by JCS “SIC RS”. SP SAMANT and SP SCATER are designed to calculate antenna characteristics. SP PEMS is designed to calculate sanitary protection zones and restricted zones when placing new technical systems at a transmitting radio engineering facility. SS WHSC EMC is designed to calculate the main parameters in terms of providing EMC for moving objects.
In addition to SP intended for electrodynamics modeling of antennas, JSC “SIC RS” developed and/or actively uses SP designed for mechanical modeling of antennas. In particular, the SP EDMA has been developed, which allows calculating both the electrodynamics and strength characteristics of the antenna.
Despite the fact that the methodological support in this case is a system of methods, to solve each specific problem it is necessary to choose the most suitable software, since highly specialized SP allow you to carry out calculations with high accuracy and reliability.
Thus, a review of the methods and tools developed and/or widely used at JCS “SIC RS” for analyzing and designing antennas and their systems, as well as solving problems of electromagnetic compatibility and safety, will allow antenna designers to choose the modern and adequate methodological support and software for their daily activities.
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- Programmnyj kompleks SAMANT release 2. AO «Kontsern «Avtomatika». Svidetel'stvo o gos. registratsii programmy dlya EVM № 2016 612128 ot 18.02.2016.
- Programmnyj kompleks SCATER release 2. AO «Kontsern «Avtomatika». Svidetel'stvo o gos. registratsii programmy dlya EVM № 2016 613090 ot 16.03.2016.
- Programmnyj kompleks OEMB release 2. AO «Kontsern «Avtomatika». Svidetel'stvo o gos. registratsii programmy dlya EVM № 2016 613089 ot 16.03.2016.
- Spetsial'noe programmnoe obespechenie avtomatizirovannogo rabochego mesta programmno-apparatnogo kompleksa dlya issledovaniya elektromagnitnoj sovmestimosti podvizhnykh ob''ektov v razlichnykh chastotnykh diapazonakh (SPO ARM PAK EMS). AO «Kontsern «Avtomatika». Svidetel'stvo o gos. registratsii № 2017612364 ot 27.12.2016.
- Programmnyj kompleks «Elektrodinamika i mekhanika antenn» (EDMA). AO «Samarskoe innovatsionnoe predpriyatie radiosistem». Svidetel'stvo o gos. registratsii № 2018662597 ot 11.10.2018.