350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of anechoic chambers in decimeter wavelength range
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-201906-06
UDC: 621.317.2

A. N. Bortsov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of the Department,

Concern «Vega» (Moscow)

E-mail: lolik-93@gmail.ru

N. G. Knyazev – Engineer Researcher,

JSC «ORKK» – «NII KP» (Moscow)

E-mail: Knyazev_NG@orkkniikp.ru

K. A. Kuznetsov – Technical Director,

LC «AntEMCGroup» (Moscow)

E-mail: Kuznetsov@frankoniagroup.ru

O. A. Kurdyumov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

JSC «ORKK» – «NII KP» (Moscow)

E-mail: Kurdyumov_OA@orkkniikp.ru

V. E. Sagach – Head of Department,

JSC «ORKK» – «NII KP» (Moscow)

E-mail: Sagach_VE@orkkniikp.ru


This article is devoted to the relevant topic for developers of antennas and receiving equipment – improving the characteristics of existing anechoic chambers (ACC).

Generally ACC rectangular cross section with a wall covering of radar-absorbent materials pyramid shape is in the decimeter range of wavelengths not sufficiently low anechoic coefficient (AC).

To improve the characteristics of the ACC, it is proposed to install a diaphragm between the transmitting and receiving antennas, which is a wall of absorbing material with a square hole in the center.

The analysis of the radiation of the transmitting antenna in the working area with the diaphragm, which solved the corresponding problem of diffraction.

The problem of diffraction of the field of real antenna elliptical polarization was considered in the design, which is a rectangular area of the absorbing material, with transverse dimensions of 4000х4000 mm 350 mm 500 mm in length, which is connected with a rectangular diaphragm of the same material. The absorbing material had a magnetic conductivity of 1/Sm. The rectangular area is designed to prevent the diaphragm from flowing outside.

The cases of mirror reflection and diffuse scattering of electromagnetic waves from the side walls, ceiling and floor of ACC are considered. It is shown that mirror reflections do not lead to a significant increase in AC, while the scattered field can increase AC. Experimentally investigated diaphragm with hole sizes from 700 mm to 1100 mm. The correspondence between the theoretical calculations of AC considering diffuse scattering and the experimental resultsis established. In the L-range, the anechoic coefficient of minus 30 dB is achievable, and in the S-range – minus 37 dB.

In General, the results obtained allow us to recommend the use of a diaphragm to improve the anechoic properties of ACC in the case of antennas with a wide radiation pattern. At the same time, in such a tank with a diaphragm, it is possible to work with pointed antennas and a far zone of about 10 m.

The novelty of the article is as follows: a method for improving the properties of rectangular ACC in L and S ranges by installing diaphragms that cut off the radiation of the transmitting antenna on the side walls, ceiling and floor of the ACC is proposed.

Pages: 58-65


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Date of receipt: 8 февраля 2019 г.