V. A. Ufaev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
Leading Research Scientist of MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: Andreyuff@mail.ru
M. P. Belyaev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: belyaev_mp@mail.ru
Taking into account the mutual orientation of the field strength vector of combined horizontal vibrators and vertical one, the patterns of the latter are determined. Using the method of moments and least squares the algorithms of analytical estimation of the elevation angle and azimuth are synthesized, the calculation formulas for the mean square error (MSE) are obtained by the method of linearization. It is found that for small values of the elevation angles the azimuth determination errors increase sharply, the elevation determination errors are relatively stable, constant in the triorthogonal system, in both cases, the errors decrease with increase in the number of horizontal vibrators.
Taking into account this and the principle of symmetry, an integral system of type A with horizontal vibrators in the center and an integral system of type B with the arrangement of horizontal vibrators along the perimeter of the ring array of vertical vibrators are proposed.
The algorithms of analytical estimation of two-dimensional bearing are synthesized in the approximation of an elementary vibrator; the formulas of calculation of MSE are obtained. The algorithms of maximum likelihood of bearing determination of maximum of twodimensional angular spectrum are developed.
With the view of reducing the number of receiving channels, addition of the signals of the horizontal vibrators is proposed, the synthesis and analysis of the algorithms of direction finding with system A in the presence of external and internal noise are performed.
The effectiveness is evaluated by simulation.
The following regularities are established:
use of a combination of vertical and horizontal vibrators provides increased accuracy of determining of the elevation angles relative to the possible with the use of an annular antenna array of vertical vibrators, the greatest gain is achieved in the range of elevation angles up to 20 and over 60 degrees; by refinement of the angular spectrum the mean quadratic error of the initial assessment of the elevation angle is reduced by 2,0–2,5 times, in the middle part of the range the values less than the calculated limit of separate estimates are achieved; when adding the signals of the horizontal vibrators the error level is less while receiving in the background of internal channel noises; in terms of the potential accuracy the systems are approximately equivalent, with a small advantage of the system of type A for the elevation angles up to 5 degrees.
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