M. A. Galuza – Post-graduate Student,
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
E-mail: q0mezon@gmail.com
A. I. Klimov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Professor of Department of Infocommunication Systems and Technologies,
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
E-mail: alexserkos@inbox.ru
A. V. Kuznetsov – General Director,
JSC "Voronezh Central Design Bureau "Polyus"
E-mail: polus@vckb.ru
Yu. B. Nechaev – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,
Professor of Information Systems Department,
Voronezh State University
E-mail: nechaev_ub@mail.ru
The article presents the results of studies of the phase scanning mode of the radiation pattern of planar leaky-wave antennas with one-dimensional strip diffraction gratings.
The results of computer simulation and analysis of the characteristics of the leaky-wave scanning antennas with a series and parallelseries excitation of EHF range have been presented. It has been shown that an antenna with parallel-series (central) excitation provides single-coordinate phase scanning within the angular sector of at least ±20°. To ensure single-plane phase scanning of a multiinput leaky-wave antenna with central excitation, its design parameters should be chosen such that when the inputs in the working frequency band are in-phase excitation, both antenna subarrays create inclined radiation in the directions of the edges of the antenna aperture in the E-plane at an angle not exceeding half the beam width of the sub array, and the minimum operating frequency of the antenna should be no less than the resonant diffraction Bragg frequency of the second order (i.e., the frequency of radiation along the normal to the antenna aperture).
Recommendations on the choice of design parameters of the center-fed antenna for single-coordinate scanning of the radiation pattern in a given frequency band, providing minimal distortion of the radiation pattern shape and reduction of the directivity in the scanning sector, have been formulated. Estimated areas of application of such antennas are wireless communication systems, security devices and automotive radars.
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