M.L. Artemov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Acting Deputy General Director,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: m.l.artemov@sozvezdie.su
O.V. Afanasyev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Acting Director of STC «REB and spetssvyaz»,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: o.v.afanasev@sozvezdie.su
O.A. Masharova – Engineer,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: ntu541@sozvezdie.su
In a number of scientific studies several basic approaches to solving the problem of identifying of a moving source of radio emission (SRE) have been presented, for example, approaches that based on the Doppler effect or the analysis of the results of measuring the coordinates of the SRE by using multi-position radar systems. However, in a number of practical situations there is a problem of selection of moving SRE by using single-position radio system based on the results of multiple detection and direction-finding (DF) of SRE. In this case, the decision in favor of one of the hypotheses is made on the basis of the analysis of primary data, that is, based on the measurements of azimuths and (or) angles of direction on the SRE.
Within the theory of statistical radio engineering the way of identifying of moving sources of a radio emission by results of their repeated one-position detection and direction finding in the conditions of the aprioristic indeterminacy, characteristic of conducting radio monitoring, concerning the level of the accepted signals of sources of a radio emission and parameters of the collateral distribution law of bearings is developed. Obtained decision rule the decision about the presence of moving SRE by aggregate, the primary observed data: complex amplitudes of voltages on the outputs of antenna system in the process of direction finding.
The results are generalized to the case of a priori uncertainty against the intensity of spatially correlated additive noise. The adaptive threshold for making a decision on a validity of hypothesis is chosen in accordance with the Neumann–Pearson criterion and provides a fixed error value of the first kind. The results of statistical modeling for two typical trajectories of the IRI confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
The proposed method does not require information about the accuracy of measurement of bearings on the SRE and fair for an antenna system with the any structure and directional characteristics of antenna elements. The implementation of the method in radio monitoring systems will allow to identify moving sources of radio emission including those placed on air carriers of various types, in conditions of a real saturated electromagnetic environment. Article contains references to 8 sources of the information.
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