E.S. Artemova – Engineer,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: ntu541@sozvezdie.su
M.P. Slichenko – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Head of Sector,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: ntu541@sozvezdie.su
The problem of azimuth direction finding of ground-based of the radio source with airplanes is formulated within the framework of the theory of statistical radio engineering as the task of distinguishing statistical hypotheses about the presence or absence of the radio source from some azimuth in a fixed earth coordinate system.In order to increase the detection range of the radio source and increase the size of the radio monitoring zone, the detector-direction finder is placed above the ground on an aircraft.In this case, the plane of the location of the elements the antenna system changes orientation in space in accordance with the evolution of the movement of the aircraft, and the characteristics of accuracy and reliability of direction finding will depend on the current angles of heelling, pitch and course of the aircraft.The change in the orientation of the aircraft in space causes a corresponding change in the orientation of the speakers relative to the earth's surface.
The offered way of an azimuthal direction finding of land-based sources of a radio emission is based on transformation of a vector complex directional diagram of an antenna system from the any focused relative frame of reference of coordinates in the fixed taking into account the measured aircraft orientation angles in space.Using navigation information about the angles of spatial orientation of the antenna system allows you to search for azimuth on the radio source in a curvilinear section of a two-dimensional azimuthelevation direction-finding relief corresponding to the evolution of the orientation vector of the direction of arrival of the radio wave in the azimuth circle with an arbitrary orientation of the antenna system.
The proposed method of azimuth direction finding makes it possible to eliminate direction-finding errors due to the non-zero angle of arrival of the radio wave relative to the plane of the antenna elements, to improve the accuracy and reliability of the direction finding of ground-based antenna system, as well as subsequent measurement of their coordinates. Article contains references to 7 sources of the information.
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