M.L. Artemov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Acting Deputy General Director of
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: m.l.artemov@sozvezdie.su
O.V. Afanasyev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Acting Director of STC «REB and spetssvyaz»,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: o.v.afanasev@sozvezdie.su
Within the theory of statistical radio engineering problem definition of collateral processing of the results of radio monitoring received from polytypic tools is formulated. The way of collateral processing based on accounting of statistical characteristics of the measured parameters at the solution of a problem of collateral identification of results of radio monitoring on belonging to the same source of a radio emission and calculation of a vector of the resulting assessment is offered. The decisive rule of identification assumes making decision on a fair hypothesis (distinguishing of statistical hypotheses) and also comparison of decision function with threshold level is based on calculation of distances of Makhalanobis between measured and resulting vectors. The threshold of identification is invariant to dimension of components of the estimated vector and face values of its components. In the presence as a part of results of radio monitoring of the coordinates of a source of a radio emission measured in the triangulable way, the decision on identification is made at collateral realization of two conditions: excesses by decision function of identification of threshold level and excess of a threshold by reliability of results of a fixing.
The least exact and doubtful results of radio monitoring are rejected at an identification stage in view of big (in comparison with the others) Makhalanobis's distances between them. It allows to reduce to the required level the probability of the abnormal error of identification due to the choice of a threshold of the identification providing the required characteristics of distinguishing of hypotheses (probability of false alarm – making decision on identification of the observed data corresponding to various sources of a radio emission).
The observed data identified on belonging to one source of a radio emission are averaged with the weight coefficients considering accuracies and reliability of each measurement. Accuracy and reliability of the resulting assessment above the most exact result of measurement that provides increase in effectiveness of collateral processing of results of radio monitoring in the offered way. Weight coefficients of averaging consider all components of matrixes of a covariance of measurements. Thanks to it when forming a resultant observed data are averaged by various points of radio monitoring taking into account orientation of ellipses of their scattering. It allows to consider differences in the relative positioning of means of radio monitoring concerning radio emission sources (in particular, in case of different ranges and geometrical factors at a fixing of sources of a radio emission the diverse means of radio monitoring placed on carriers of various type).
Properties and regularities of the developed way of collateral processing of results of radio monitoring in special cases correspond to the known approaches (including, to approaches of heuristic character) to the solution of this task that characterizes continuity of the received results with known with their generalization on a processing case within the theory of statistical radio engineering of the results of radio monitoring received from the any quantity of polytypic tools earlier. By results of the analysis of a special case the expediency of combined use of air means of radio monitoring with the land means offered by way of results of single-point determination of coordinates of sources of a radio emission and more exact results of an azimuthal direction finding of sources, land with ensuring processing, is defined.
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