M.P. Slichenko – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Head of Sector,
JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)
E-mail: ntu541@sozvezdie.su
S.P. Trushin – Undergraduate,
Voronezh State University
In the short-wave range of lengths of waves for the purpose of minimization of mass-dimensional characteristics of an antenna system of a detector of a direction finder use frame amplitude directional antennas. In the superhigh-frequency range (because of technical features of creation of a reception path of a detector of a direction finder to provide stability of differences in phase of highfrequency radio signals in all receiving channels of a detector of a direction finder and, therefore, space and coherent reception of signals is represented the difficult technical task. Moreover, now there are multichannel detectors the direction finders using multibeam antenna lattices and multichannel radio-receiving paths with individual heterodynes in each spatial channel (space and incoherent detectors direction finders).
In this case signals from exits of a multichannel radio-receiving path enter on processing device entrances with uncertain initial phases, and information on the direction of arrival of a radio wave can be taken only from amplitudes of these signals on condition of essential nonuniformity of amplitude directional diagrams of the used antenna system. Therefore expedient technical solution on ensuring the required accuracy of a direction finding in a superhigh-frequency range is application of amplitude and directional antenna elements (the funnel-shaped, log-periodic, etc. types).
Analytical expressions of potential accuracy of an amplitude direction finding of sources of a radio emission for antenna systems with elements which directional diagrams the cardioid and also for type elements the funnel-shaped wave guide has an appearance are received. Also the experimental are analyzed theoretical (received by results of statistical model operation) dependences of an average quadratic error of direction finding on the relation signal/noise. The received results allow to define type and quantity of the antenna elements providing the required characteristics of accuracy of an amplitude direction finding of sources and also a range of values of the relations signal/noise for which as an average quadratic error of a direction finding it is fair to use limit of inequality of Cramer–Rao.
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- Artemov M.L., Afanas’ev O.V., Slichenko M.P. Potentsial’naya tochnost’ sovmestnogo otsenivaniya azimuta i ugla mesta napravleniya prikhoda radiovoln ot istochnikov radioizlucheniya. Antenny. 2016. № 6. S. 38−45 s. (In Russian).
- Dmitriev I.S., Slichenko M.P. Maksimal’no pravdopodobnoe obnaruzhenie i otsenivanie napravleniya prikhoda i amplitudy napryazhennosti radiovolny s pomoshch’yu mnogokanal’nogo radiopelengatora s antennoy sistemoy proizvol’noy konfiguratsii. Antenny. 2011. № 5. S. 59−64. (In Russian).
- Artemov M.L., Afanas’ev O.V., Levchenko V.N., Dmitriev I.S., Slichenko M.P. Maksimal’no pravdopodobnoe obnaruzhenie i otsenivanie napravleniya prikhoda i potoka moshchnosti radiovolny s pomoshch’yu mnogokanal’nogo amplitudnogo radiopelengatora s antennoy sistemoy proizvol’noy konfiguratsii. Antenny. 2012. № 5. S. 10−18. (In Russian).
- Slichenko M.P. Adaptivnoe maksimal’no pravdopodobnoe obnaruzhenie i pelengovanie radiovoln s pomoshch’yu mnogokanal’nogo amplitudnogo radiopelengatora s antennoy sistemoy proizvol’noy konfiguratsii. Antenny. 2014. № 5. S. 69−72. (In Russian).
- Artemov M.L., Afanas’ev O.V., Slichenko M.P. Obnaruzhenie i pelengovanie istochnikov radioizlucheniy v ramkakh teorii statisticheskoy radiotekhniki. Radiotekhnika. 2016. № 5. S. 26−40. (In Russian).
- Artemov M.L., Slichenko M.P. Sovremennyy podkhod k razvitiyu metodov pelengovaniya radiovoln istochnikov radioizlucheniya. Antenny. 2018. № 5. S. 31−37. (In Russian).