350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Calculation of the maximum probability abnormal errors of an azimuthal radio direction finder with a ring antenna lattice
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-201903-03
UDC: 621.396.663

I.S. Dmitriev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)

E-mail: dmiv@mail.ru

M.Yu. Ilyin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)

E-mail: miuril@rambler.ru


The upper bound of a range of operational frequencies of a radio direction finder are defined by magnification of probability of the anomalous errors of direction finding with decrease of length of a t the bearings radio-wave at the amplitude fix by are more its. Thus for each wavelength the probability of the anomalous error of direction finding with difficulty depended on a direction of arrival of a wave concerning axes of symmetry of the bearing antenna array. It is caused by variability of the form of function of verisimilitude of bearing depending on a direction of arrival of a radio-wave. Generally for a N-element ring grid it are possible to find on a circle 4N directions of arrival of a radio-wave for whom function of uncertainty of bearing had the same maximum level of a side lobe. In connection with a considerable quantity of such directions it are offered to consider as criterion of quality of direction finding in the upper part of service band the maximum probability of the anomalous error with any of these directions, instead of the value averaged on a circle. In article the technique of determination of conditions of formation as verisimilitude of bearing of side lobes of a maximum level are offer and approximate expression for function of allocation of a difference between level of a principal lobe and level of the maximum side lobe of function of verisimilitude depending on the relation signal/noise and parameters of a grid are received in a general view. The anomalous error of direction finding arose in that case when as a result of influence of noise this difference accepted the negative value. Therefore the probability of the anomalous error numerically are equal to value of the mention function of allocation at null value of a difference. The received analytical ratios was confirm by results of statistical modeling. Article contained 4 figures and references to 13 sources of the information.

Pages: 6-15
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Date of receipt: 20 марта 2019 г.