350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
High-precision method of calculating and optimization of noise characteristics of broadband photoreceivers
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-201902-07
UDC: 621.396.677:621.378.8:621.3.049

D. F. Zaitsev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Designer on Radio Photonics,

JSC “Concern Radio Electronic Technologies”

E-mail: zaysev@yandex.ru


The analytical high-precision method of calculation and optimization of noise characteristics and sensitivity of broadband preamplifiers on bipolar transistors of photoreceivers for analog and digital modules, based on application of intensifying quality parameter, invariant to a current of the emitter has been considered. It has been shown that with the minimal changes the given method is suitable for calculations and optimization of superbroadband preamplifiers of photoreceivers modules based on modern heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT).

On the basis of comparison of the theoretical and experimental researches with results of other authors, it is possible to draw a conclusion on its applicability for engineering calculations and optimization of noise characteristics and sensitivity of photoreceivers modules of analog and digital optical signals. This is a simple method in the frequency range up to 10 GHz inclusive, i.е. up to X-range of wavelengths.

The developed method considering the basic frequency-regime dependences is a cheap alternative to another, high-expensive methods and can be applied when designing various fiber-optical systems.

Pages: 57-65
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Date of receipt: 30 октября 2018 г.