350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Simulation of statistical characteristics of aperture random antenna by the triad-cluster method
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j03209601-201902-06
UDC: 621.396.677; 621.397.671

O. N. Maslov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Applied Informatics,

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)

E-mail: maslov@psati.ru

I. S. Shatalov – Post-graduate student, Department of Applied Informatics,

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)


The paper presents the results of statistical simulation (SS) of multi-element aperture random antenna (ARA) by the triad-cluster method (TCM). ARA occupy a special place among all other types of random antennas (RA), since they are directly involved in the formation of confidential information (CI) leakage channels from office premises (by windows, doorways, technological openings, they are called «leakage apertures» of confidential information). Relatively simple in construction, ARA are hard to simulate adequately. Even applying statistical simulation (SS) with a group of Monte-Carlo methods makes contradictory results. The reasons are following: first, difficult to structure and formalize electrodynamics and mathematical problems; second, the ambiguity of the ontological model of situation (OMS), which arises due to uncertainty (inaccuracy, inadequacy, unreliability) of the knowledge (axiological and verified) of decision-makers (DM) about the configuration and performance capabilities of ARA.

The problem of studying of errors (amplitude, phase, time, frequency, geometric) and processes of their excitation and functioning is the foundation of OMS in statistical antenna theory (SAT). However, during modeling of ARA, the uncertainty of knowledge of DM, about the question which set of electromagnetic field (EMF) sources generates a CI-signal, its parameters and dynamic properties, comes to the forefront, since DM can have some subjective judgments, representations and hypotheses concerning them.

As a consequence, it is expedient to have all six complex amplitudes of orthogonal components (OC) of the electric field strength vectors (in the following, for the sake of brevity, the E-field) in the model of CI channel through ARA in Cartesian coordinates EXYZ, , and the magnetic Н-field HXYZ, , . The scheme for further analysis of the type «if ... then ...» with this approach is inapplicable, but in the framework of TCM, the main effect can be simulated by means of probabilistic combinatorics: stochastic combining of OC during process of operation of ARA. This method is unique and does not have analogs in SAT. This is a new dynamic factor that distinguishes the random antenna theory (RAT) from SAT, and a new uncertainty that cannot be eliminated by traditional (analytical, experimental) methods, since they cannot fully simulate the operation of a complex of CI equipment located in the office.

The purpose of the paper is to simulate statistical characteristics of E-field and H-field of a three-element ARA. The initial data for SS correspond to the external problem of RAT with applying of TCM and the basic element of the ARA is a triadic elementary radiator (TER). The components of TER are excited by random in amplitude, phase and direction virtual electric and magnetic currents. As a result, histograms of levels of electric and magnetic field strength at frequencies from 1 KHz to 10 GHz have been presented. Comparative analysis to study effect of wave fields’ combinatorics, which creates by components of TER and phase errors, on SS results has been made. The case of joint impact of the combinatorics, amplitude and phase errors on TCM model of ARA has been considered.

Pages: 45-56
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Date of receipt: 10 сентября 2018 г.