Journal Antennas №2 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Suppression of noise interference in adaptive array antennas via neural networks algorithms
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396.679.4

O. S. Litvinov – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


D. V. Murodyants – Student, Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


V. S. Boruta – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


B. E. Vintaykin – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University



The neural network has been trained to control the parameters of the adaptive array antennas (AAA), which based on the given input signal, gives the values of the weight coefficients at which the AAA output produces a signal with a minimal interference component. The cases of drop of one and two uncorrelated noise on the receiving elements of the antenna with a normally falling useful signal have been considered. The dependence of the noise-to-signal ratio at the output of the AAA has been obtained depending on the angle of arrival of the interference. The AAA radiation pattern has been analyzed with this trained neural network and the nature of the dependence of the noise to signal ratio for a given trained neural network with a continuous change in the angle of arrival of the interference.

Pages: 40-44
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Date of receipt: 24 января 2018 г.