A. Yu. Nikolaenko – Postgraduate Student, Department of Information and Communication Systems and Software Engineering, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: anikolaenkosstu@gmail.com
A. A. L’vov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information and Communication Systems and Software Engineering, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
E-mail: alvova@mail.ru
P. A. L'vov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory of Engels Design and Development Department "Signal" n.a. A.I. Glukharev E-mail: peter.lvov@gmail.com
The calibration algorithm of the radio frequency identification reader based on the combined multiport reflectometer has been presented in the paper. The algorithm is based on initial estimation of complex amplitudes of incident and reflected waves using only responses of multiport measuring line probes. The basic equations of the method and results of computer simulation have been given. The advantages of the method have been discussed.
- Tan J., Wang H., Li D., Wang Q. A RFID architecture built in production and manufacturing fields // 3rd Internat. Conf. on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology. 2008. V. 1. P. 1118–1120.
- Wang J., Luo Z., Wong E.C., Tan C.J. RFID assisted object tracking for automating manufacturing assembly lines // IEEE Internat. Conf. on e-Business Engineering. 2007. P. 48–53.
- L’vov A.A., Nikolaenko A.Y., L’vov P.A. A novel vector network analyzer using combined multi-port reflectometer // Proc. of Microwave and Radio Electronics Week. 14th Conf. on Microwave Techniques. 2015. P. 183–186.
- L'vov A.A., Semyonov K.V. Metod kalibrovki avtomaticheskoj mnogozondovoj izmeritel'noj linii // Izmeritel'naya tekhnika. 1999. № 4. S. 34–39.
- L'vov A.A., Semyonov K.V. Pryamoj metod resheniya nelinejnykh zadach kalibrovki izmeritelej v sistemakh upravleniya precizionnymi obrabatyvayushchimi centrami // Mezhvuz. nauch. sb. Saratov: Saratovskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet. 1998. S. 147–162.
- L'vov A.A., Semyonov K.V. Pryamoj metod resheniya nelinejnykh zadach distancionnogo zondirovaniya mekhanicheskikh poverkhnostej // Mezhvuz. nauch. sb. «Proektirovanie i tekhnicheskaya diagnostika avtomatizirovannykh kompleksov». Saratov: Saratovskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet. 1998. S. 77–81.