350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Probabilistic description of the breakdown of the air in the high-power microwave generators antennas in the emission of pulsed fields
A.A. Volkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin (Voronezh) E-mail: volkov_aa@autorambler.ru
Electric air breakdown limits the maximum power radiated fields. Its accounting is needed to solve a number of applications with the use of high-power microwave generators. The breakdown in gases is random so restrictions on the limiting parameters of high-power microwave generators (power, duration, repetition period and the number of pulses) should be determined by an acceptable level of probability of breakdown in his antenna system. In the prior art there is no methodological apparatus that allows to assess the likelihood of air breakdown in the antenna system. The purpose of work - development of a probabilistic approach to the description of the phenomenon of air breakdown in the antenna systems high-power microwave generators and obtaining analytical expressions breakdown probability. In solving the problem it was thought that the random nature of the phenomenon is due to air breakdown random process of formation of free electrons in the atmosphere. Breakdown probability defined as the probability of satisfying the criterion for the breakdown. Based on the analysis of the dependence of the electron density on the parameters of the electromagnetic field pulse sequences obtained by the approximate expression outside the breakdown probability of the antenna of the microwave generator with a uniform distribution of the field over the aperture. The calculations of the probability of dependency air breakdown in the antenna with circular aperture on the parameters of a pulse sequence and aperture size for a uniform distribution of the density of free electrons in the atmosphere. It was found that the conditions for improving the output of the electromagnetic generator of energy into the atmosphere without any breakdown should use a sequence of short pulses with long repetition. The dependence of the breakdown probability of microwave power generators can be interpreted as a function of the breakdown distribution of power levels in the antenna. Mean and standard deviation of this distribution is reduced by increasing the pulse width.
Pages: 62-68


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