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Journal Antennas №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Analytical model of the process of matched reception of noise ultra-wideband signals in a ring digital antenna array
E.A. Aleshanov - Adjunct, VA WANO AF RF named after Marshal of the Soviet Union А.М. Vasilevsky
E.A. Egorov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Department of Short-Range Anti-Aircraft Complexes, VA WANO AF RF named after Marshal of the Soviet Union А.М. Vasilevsky
Yu.S. Nefedova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist, SRI RET Bauman MSTU; Associate Professor, Department of Radioelectronic Systems and Devices, Bauman MSTU
E-mail: yulia.yusova@mail.ru
One of the deterrents to the creation of effective ultra-wideband (UW) radar facilities is the problem of directed radiation and the re-ception of UW signals, the spatial correlation function of which is commensurate with the dimensions of the antenna aperture. One of such problems is the issue of electronic control of radiation and reception direction, which is based on the effect of the «scattering» of the UW signal on the antenna aperture when the direction of radiation or reception from the normal deviates.
The analytical model of the process of the matched reception of noise ultra-wideband signals in a ring digital antenna array is developed in the article. To equalize the waveform in each element of the antenna array, it is proposed to form a virtual aperture, the normal of which will coincide with the expected direction of arrival of the signal. To compensate for a temporary delay in each element of the ring antenna array is necessary to tighten all the elements of the range on the phase adjustment multiplier, which characterizes big-time shift each receiving channel antenna array for the chosen direction of reception. These actions will ensure to received signal condition of spatial narrow banding. And it is proposed that the coordinated processing at the virtual aperture be ensured by convolution of the field distribution over the elements of the antenna array with the expected amplitude distribution of the field from the source located in the given direction. Expressions are given for the total output signal of the ring digital antenna array when receiving the UW signal, which will allow to divide the general space-time process into a spatial and temporal stage.
Pages: 33-36
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