350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The scattering of electromagnetic waves by inhomogeneous spherical bodies
B.A. Panchenko - Honored Worker of Science, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), UrTISI (branch) SIBSUTIS (Ekaterinburg) E-mail: val.perminova@yandex.ru O.P. Ponomarev - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), UrTISI (branch) SIBSUTIS (Ekaterinburg); Deputy Director E-mail: ponomarev7713@mail.ru D.V. Denisov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, UrTISI (branch) SIBSUTIS (Ekaterinburg) E-mail: denisov.d1v@gmail.com
The excitation of the Luneberg lens (LL) by an arc antenna array from the open ends of rectangular waveguides forming the H10 wave is investigated. Technical limitations imposed on the lattice of primary irradiators for the formation of the total and difference modes of operation of the antenna system are discussed. In the work, the procedure for calculating the antenna characteristics of an LL is determined by irradiating a four-element antenna array, which generates total-difference diagrams in the vertical and horizontal planes. Restrictions on the periods of gratings can be overcome by using small-size radiators, for example, strip-type radiators. In this case, the problem of isolating the total and difference signals using bridge devices is structurally simpler. In addition to obtaining the total and difference signals, the use of LL allows mechanical scanning over a wide range of angles by moving a group of irradiators. This quality can-t be achieved in other highly-directional antenna systems (for example, mirror systems).
Pages: 3-6


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