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Journal Antennas №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Structure and basic characteristics of multi-beam radar for security complex
I. K. Antonov - Ph.D. (Eng.)
E-mail: iantonov@complex-systems.biz
Versions of the structure and an example of the basic characteristics of multi-beam radar as a part of a critical site security system for the case of invasion with small-size UAVs are given. The main advantage of a multi-beam radar is the ability to provide long-term coherent gathering of the signal reflected from the target with rapid, of a few seconds, time of the surveillance of the wide surveillance area. Long coherent gathering time allows to form narrowband, a few Hertz bandwidth, Doppler filters in the receiving channels, and implement an effective selection of weak signals reflected from targets on the strong ground scatter reflection.
Two versions of the receive path construction with digital and electrodynamic formation of multi-beam receive angular pattern discussed. The advantage of digital version of angular patterns formation is the possibility of flexible management of receive diagrams. The advantage of electrodynamic system formation of an angular pattern is the reduction of the number of receive channels that reduces both the cost of the system and the total internal noise.
Pages: 53-56
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