350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Antennas for transportable base stations for mobile radio based on structures with complex configuration
M. I. Naryshkin - Deputy Commander of the Military Unit (Moscow) E-mail: nmi@rambler.ru
The article offers solutions for construction of broadband and multiband antennas of mobile base stations of corporate and departmental mobile radio networks, including antennas constructed on the basis of RoF technology. The symmetrical vibrators with triangular shoulders have been considered and the shoulder filling consists of flat or wire structures of complex configuration, including fractal ones. Investigation of the antenna characteristics has been carried out according to the previously developed by the author methodology, including use of thin-wired, planar and combined electrodynamic models and algorithms of automated construction of geometry of the structure. The results of calculation of the antenna spatial and impedance characteristics have been given. It has been shown that all the solutions have a property of multibandness with different width of the working bands, and the shunt vibrators are the most broadband.
Pages: 14-21


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