350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Method for estimation of reactivity coefficient of planar antenna array of dipoles
S. V. Zemlyansky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Krasnodar higher military school named after General of the army S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: zems1980@rambler.ru S. E. Mishchenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Federal Research and Production Centre «Rostov-on-Don Re-search Radiocommunication Institute» E-mail: mihome@yandex.ru V. V. Shatsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Office, Federal Research and Production Centre «Rostov-on-Don Research Radiocommunication Institute» E-mail: VshatsV@yandex.ru
The estimating of energy characteristics is a major step of design of any array antenna. These characteristics include the radiated power, directional factor and reactivity coefficient. To determine the characteristics of the first two characteristics the quite simple expressions have been developed. Evaluation of reactivity coefficient for continuous apertures is reduced to the calculation of the input impedance of the antenna. At the same time for the antenna arrays simple assessment reactivity coefficient is only possible for linear equidistant arrays with uniform amplitude-phase distribution. In other cases, unambiguous approach to the determination of the reactivity coefficient arbitrary antenna array is missing. The expressions to evaluate reactivity coefficient of linear and planar antenna arrays when changing the configuration of radiators and apertures were obtained. The estimating problem of the reactivity coefficient is generally reduced to fixing the current distribution in the array emitters, definition of the field strength along the array aperture and calculation of its component vector of the radiation pattern. A number of examples with the assessment of behavior of the reactivity coefficient depending on the parameters for linear array of equidistant dipoles at uniform and nonuniform amplitude excitation have been given. The behavior of the reactivity coefficient of flat antenna arrays when placing the radiators in the nodes of a rectangular and hexagonal grid has been investigated. It is shown that the estimated value of the reactivity coefficient is significantly affected by the topology of the array and a choice of the step between elements. Influence of shape of the boundary of the aperture and the selection of the amplitude distribution is less noticeable.
Pages: 8-13


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