O. N. Tsvetkova (Belashova) – Student, Moscow Power Engineering Institute; Engineer, Special Design Bureau of Moscow Power Engineering Institute
E-mail: belashova_olga94@mail.ru
V. I. Gusevsky – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Designer, Special Design Bureau of Moscow Power Engineering Institute E-mail: vamvig3321@mail.ru
The behavior of the orthogonal phase harmonics representing the amplitude-phase distributions of electromagnetic fields in linear phased array antenna apertures has been analyzed for various amplitude distributions. The dependence of the linear array radiation pattern on the phase orthogonal harmonic number and its’ Fourier expansion coefficient has been defined. In this case, the phase distribution function is represented as a convergent Fourier series with the indicated harmonics as the basis functions. Utilization of this approach allows us to solve the problems of antenna radiation pattern synthesis, in particular, to obtain formation of radiation pattern zeros in specified or unknown directions. This property can be used for the disturbance signals suppression.
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