350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Power efficiency of the algorithm of “compression” of the beam pattern of the digital PAA
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396.677.85

V. P. Kortnev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist

E-mail: valery.Kortnev@yandex.ru

A. E. Krasnov – Head of Laboratory, JSC “Phazotron–NIIR Corporation” (Moscow)


The research and assessment of the power losses arising at the implementation of angular super Raleigh resolution by application of the algorithm of “compression” of the beam pattern (BP) of a digital phased antenna array have been carried out by means of mathematical modeling. It has been shown that grating lobes (GL) arising at the same time are formed at the expense of the power of a peripheral part of the main lobe of the real (“not compressed”) beam pattern of a digital phased antenna array. At the deviation of “compressed” BP to the border of the working angular sector the quantity of maxima of BP (including main) is equal to the compression ratio (CR). The efficiency of suppression of GL which level does not exceed the level of side lobes of “compressed” BP has been provided in the article. It should be noted that at CR > 10 the double suppression (multiplication) is required. As multiplication is a nonlinear operation, the dependence of the output signal/noise ratio of a remultiplier on the input one has been defined in the article. The received formula allows to calculate power losses at the output of the algorithm of “compression” and to define the measures for their compensation. The use of the Doppler filtering before the operation of multiplication of beam patterns has been offered as one of them.

Pages: 10-17
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