350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Fractal antennas for base stations of branched corporate mobile radio networks
M. I. Naryshkin - Deputy Commander of the Military Unit (Moscow) E-mail: nmi@rambler.ru
Currently, when designing the mobile radio networks the additional requirements related primarily to the expansion of the technical capabilities of the designed network are often appeared. Also quite often there are requirements to the size of the individual components of the network. In addition, sometimes there are such requirements, such as need of masking (concealed allocation) of antenna systems which are a part of the mobile radio network base stations. To meet such requirements, we propose to use antenna systems with fractal geometry as a part of the base station. Such antennas are typically multi-band and, in addition, due to the variety of fractal structures may be used as exterior elements. It is proposed to consider two types of fractal antennas based on the Koch curve and Gilbert curve in the wire design. For each of the antennas the electrodynamic model constructed by applying the algorithms for the automated construction of the geometry of the fractal structure has been shown. Electrodynamic analysis of these antennas has been carried out by Samant software based on the use of the methods of Fredholm integral equations. Based on the impedance and directional characteristics of these fractal antennas we can conclude that both antennas are multi-band, as well as possess enhanced directional properties. In addition, these antennas have small sizes and can be disguised as decor elements. Thus, using of antenna systems with fractal geometry as parts of base stations allows expanding possibilities of branched corporate mobile radio networks.
Pages: 22-27


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