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Journal Antennas №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Fiber-optic data link system with multichannel rotary connector
Yu.A. Matveeva - Engineer, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: litel@list.ru
A.I. Tarasenko - Deputy Head of SDB, JSC «LOMO» (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: tolya.tarasenko@gmail.com
Yu.B. Gurfinkel - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)
Large data streams between units in advanced airborne radar systems stimulated interests to application of fiber-optic data links. The specific feature of AWACS is that we should provide the interface of the equipment in motionless fuselage with antenna equipment located in rotated radome. To implement the assigned task it is necessary to include the multichannel rotary connector (MRC) into fiber-optic link. Its development is a complicated technical problem.
This article deals with the issues of development and implementation of fiber - optic data link system with multichannel rotary connector.
The following basic tasks were investigated and solved:
Power delivery from movable to stationary platform with minimal losses and modulations related to movable platform rotation;
Capability of two-way power transmission;
Coordination of equipment input and output with standard multimode fiber - optic cables;
Data links extension due to optical stream multiplexing with various wavelength (850, 1310, 1550 nm) in each physical link;
Minimal links interaction with decoupling less or equal minus 30 dB;
Minimization of equipment dimension and weight;
Operability on board in severe operation conditions.
Besides MRC the fiber-optic data link system contains multiplexers/demultiplexers, providing optional increase in number of channels due to using light fluxes with several wavelengths.
Multiplexers contains lenses, filters and beam splitter providing splicing and splitting of light fluxes with various wave lengths.
The design of MRC uses the same principle as in single channel rotary connector that is a location of receiver and transmitter of power light beam on the movable platform rotation axis, the optical axis of transmitted power light beam coincides with rotation axis.
In multichannel option of rotary connector the receiver and transmitter of power light beam can not be placed on the rotation axis for all data links. Therefore the prisms or mirrors are included into optical circuitry to deflect the power light beams after passing the area of transition from stationary platform to the movable one and to direct the power light beam to the relevant receiver.
The developed and implemented fiber-optic data link system meets the requirements, what allows us to recommend it for application in airborne radar systems (AWACS).
Pages: 108-114
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