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Journal Antennas №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics of a Vivaldi antenna with corrugated edges
V.F. Los - - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: mail@vega.su
V.R. Mezin - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Technician , JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: mail@vega.su
Appearance of solid-state oscillators with a subnanosecond duration is stimulated of interest to a development of radars with ultrashort videopulse probing signals. A using in radars of such signals make it possible substantially a enlarge their data characteristics. Particularly. low-frequency parts baseband spectrum of such signals (about some hundreds of MHz) contain a notable value of their power, which is less decayed in mediums with a loss. A this circumstance permit to detect of objects under vegetation covers or un-derlying surfaces/ Antenna systems of such perspective radars in the form of antenna arrays (AA) can to have of ultrawideband radiation characteristics, corresponding to a probing signal spectrum. If a main lobe of AA must to scan, then a partial radiation pattern of AA ele-ments must corresponding to a specified a scan-sector of scanning angles.
Vivaldi antennas may be of ultrawideband antenna elements of such AA. A ratio of upper frequency to lower frequency of working band such elements is about ten. At that have to notice what the perfection of a antenna feed scheme broaden working band mainly aside of upper frequencies, whereas a decrease of a lower frequencies is achieved usually only at the expense of the aperture growth.
The increase of antenna overall dimensions is always extremely undesirable, particularly for air-borne radars. Therefore a search of new form Vivaldi antennas, which have improved characteristics in a low-frequency domain without of a aperture growth, is important. By numerically calculations are proved what a Vivaldi antenna with corrugated edges may have improved low-frequency characteristics without an aperture growth.
In article is considered Vivaldi antennas with six forms of corrugated edges and for every of fofmsis determined of the standing-wave ratio in working band and radiation patterns in main planes. It is determined what better values of a standing-wave ratio haven antennas with rectangular and exponential slots in edges. A detail optimization of a slot dimensions not be carry ouy. Results of a antenna characteristics modeling is represented in the graphical forms and showe what presence in Vivaldi antennas of corrugated edges is likewise a some increase of aperture dimension, but widths of radiation patterns practically not decreased. It is given numerical results of Vivaldi antenna characteristics/ Results are represented in graphical forms.
Pages: 48-56
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