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Journal Antennas №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Siberian Solar Radiotelescope
G.Ya. Smolkov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Honored Scientist of RF. E-mail: smolkov@iszf.irk.ru
The article shows the need to develop in the 1960s, a project of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT), and then its facilities to perform all-weather monitoring of solar activity on the heights of the solar corona with significantly increased space (15\"-20\" at the operating wavelength of 5.2 cm) and temporal resolution (56 and 14 ms) in order to address fundamental and applied problems. The organization works in this direction was determined by the Scientific Council of the USSR on the Complex Problem «Radioastronomy». For peer review the status and implementation of the project development, technical solutions and expertise to make recommendations Board was established under the project SSRT, consisting of leading experts in solar astronomy and scientific instrumentation. Chairman of the Board has agreed to be a corresponding member of RAS A.A. Pistolkors, responsible scientist was appointed G.Ya.Smolkov (Head of the Department of Solar Physics of SibIZMIR, from 1991- ISTP), the Scientific Council appointed secretary T.A. Tresckow (SibIZMIR). The functions of the chief engineer of the project since 1969 played B.B. Krissinel (SibIZMIR). Alexander Alexandrovich distinguished by high responsibility, punctuality, pedantry, attention to the participants work, strict demand with major leading performers and bitter disappointment at the delay decisions. His communication with students and colleagues in the branch scientific research institutes, design bureaus and industry have helped to find ways out of impasses, for example, with the design and manufacture of parabolic mirrors from metallized glass. A list of outstanding scientific and technical problems of scientific results, the prospects for the use and development of this unique instrument to the multiwavelength radioastrophysical radioheliograph. Multistage design, construction, commissioning of the SSRT, the use of the original data provided the creation of Irkutsk recognized scientific school in the field of radioastrophysics.
Pages: 77-83


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