350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
New Generation of Airborne AESA
A.I. Sinani - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Deputy General Director, Main Designer, JSC V.Tikhomirov NIIP (Zhukovsky, Moscow region). E-mail: niki@nio11.niip.ru
JSC V.V. Tikhomirov NIIP is the leading enterprise of the Russian military-industrial complex in terms of fighter weapon control systems (WCS) and medium-range air defense missile systems (ADMS) development. A key feature of such systems is the use of radar antennas with electronic beam steering. The company has gained vast expertise in the area of passive phased array design, and has continuously upgraded technology and methodology related to antenna systems with electronic beam steering. Passive phased arrays have been successfully applied in Zaslon WCS, BUK ADMS radars, Osa airborne radar, Bars and Irbis radar systems. SuperSkat phased array of the Irbis radar demonstrates performance next to theoretically possible values. A key focus of JSC V.V. Tikhomirov NIIP is now creation of a new-generation airborne radar comprising X band and L band AESAs. From AESA standpoint, an essential task is to find such scientific concepts, antenna design and engineering implementation principles that will ensure alignment of all functional chains within multiple operating modes and conformity to estimate values. At present, X band AESA as part of a radar is undergoing ground and flight tests, including those at the T 50 platform. Test results point to the accuracy of underlying structural principles as well as a possibility to enhance design and process solutions for such antennas by using both solid-state and antenna technology evolution and mathematical and physical simulation capability development. On the whole, airborne AESA design experience has demonstrated the ability of not only antenna designers but Russian radio-electronic industry in general to address very complicated tasks at a most advanced global practice level.
Pages: 37-43


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