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Journal Antennas №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Theory of partially adaptive antenna arrays
O.S. Litvinov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: oleglitv@mtu-net.ru
This article deals with the question of the the partially adaptive arrays theory (PAAR). In PAAR only part of all receiving antenna ele-ments are connected to a adaptive controlled attenuators and a phase shifters. In some types of the PAAR these adaptive controlled receiving antenna elements may be anssembled in so cold adaptive modules or adaptive «clusters», each of these is connected to one paire of the adaptive controlled attenuator and a phase shifter. This class of the PAAR is related with so called module type of the PAAR. In the others types of the PAAR each receiving antenna elements ih adaptive «clusters» is connected to one paire of the adaptive controlled attenuator and a phase shifter. This class of the PAAR is related with the so called compensation type of the PAAR. The articles considered questions includes calculation main PAAR parameters - jammers cancelation depth and desired signal loses - of the wide classe ot the PAAR, including the so called gybrid antennas systems. The results of the above mentioned calculations of the PAAR main parameters are based on the model of the transformation received signals in PAAR throuhg patternforming device with determinated transformation matrix. The PAAR theory applications permits not only to simplify the PAAR construction, but also to reduce PAAR cost without dimishing of the PAAR main parameters in comparison that of fully antenna adaptive arrays. In done article are considered the calculation of the PAAR main parameters in dependences from: 1) the optimal displacement of the adaptive compensation antennas on the array apperture; 2) the combining method of the receiving antennas elements in adaptive modules; 3) choise of the discrets attenuators and a phase shifters, used in PAAR; 4) the application of the adaptive methods based on the exclusive amplitude or phase settings in PAAR.
Pages: 16-24


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