350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Design of high-power microwave waveguide terminations with volume absorber for antenna-feeder tracts
Yu. A. Sinkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC - Radio Engineering Corporation "Vega". E-mail: sinvic@rambler.ru D. R. Filippova - Engineer, JSC - Radio Engineering Corporation "Vega". E-mail: diana_chernysh@mail.ru
Antenna-feeder tracts require waveguide terminations with average (100-5000 W) and pulse (10-500 kW) microwave power for various radars in the range of 2-10 GHz. In the published literature there are no necessary calculations, conditions, and methods of designing of high-power microwave waveguide terminations with volume absorber, there are also unresolved issues of uniform heating of absorber, which leads to waveguide termination damage in some cases. In order to design the high-power microwave waveguide terminations, a radio-wave absorbing material should be selected for a high temperature (more than 100°C), thermal-conductivity of more than 3 W/(m°C) and a sufficient attenuation constant. So the ferrite (brand 1SCH4) has been chosen as a radio-absorbing material. In addition, it is necessary to provide uniform absorption of microwave power in the absorber and the same heating temperature not exceeding the allowable one. This condition is satisfied if the thickness of the absorber and the absorber area from which heat is re-moved remains constant along the propagation of an electromagnetic wave, and increase of attenuation constant is implemented by changing the height of a waveguide. A high-power microwave waveguide terminations design technique has been presented as well as a waveguide termination construction (3 GHz range) with a waveguide section 72х10 mm for average (1000 W) and pulse (30 kW) microwave power. The different sizes of ferrites (thickness and area) have been recommended for designing the waveguide terminations in the frequency range of 8-10 GHz for average (5-6 kW) and pulse (20-25 kW) microwave power with a waveguide section 23х10 mm.
Pages: 47-50


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