350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of the spatial distribution of energy resource of the radar station with polyhedral implemented phased array in the process of location of the flying objects in the conditions of unstable interfering situation with taking into account the polar coordinates of the interference sources
S. V. Geraschenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Adviser of Head of Development Department, Almaz. E-mail: servager@yandex.ru
A. S. Timonin - Head of Department, Almaz. E-mail: 29april@inbox.ru
This article proposes approach to the solution of optimization challenge of strategy of searching and detecting air objects by radar station with radar system made in form of polyhedral phased array antenna in non-stationary interference conditions, taking into account spatial coordinates of active noise hindrance sources. Optimization challenge has formulated in form of stochastic programming problem with probabilistic energy and linear spatial limits, which do not allow repeated probing of same angular directions in non-overlapping parts of viewing area and in common parts of viewing area of neighboring phased array antenna over a period of time equal to review cycle, as well as prevent of probing of angular directions, which are active noise hindrance sources. Proposed the solution algorithm of deterministic equivalent of stochastic optimization problem, which assumes taking a strategy of air objects searching by each phased array antenna in form of Boolean matrix, which unambiguously determinate angular directions to be probing on each quasi-stationary interval.
Pages: 10-18
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