350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Selective properties of the microstrip sections on two collinear hairpin resonators with unbalanced electromagnetic coupling
G. M. Aristarkhov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of "Electronics", Moscow technical university of telecommunication and informatics. E-mail: g.aristarkhov2010@yandex.ru N. V. Zvezdinov - Post-graduate Student of Department of "Electronics", Moscow technical university of telecommunication and informatics. E-mail: nikitazvezdinov@mail.ru
In the article authors describe frequency properties of the basic cells of microstrip filters with co-directional hairpin resonators. The basic cell consists of two co-directional hairpin resonators, composed of coupled quarter-wavelength four-line system. The main purpose of this work is to research the conditions for a significant increase in the selectivity of the basic cells microstrip filter by forming in them up to six or more working attenuation poles at finite frequencies. It has been shown that the two-resonator microstrip section with unbalanced electromagnetic couplings between adjacent lines may have the frequency properties of multiresonator circuits. These properties are a result of rational use of several physical effects and techniques in the structure: effect of inequality of phase velocities of normal waves; \"reshuffle\" and splitting of working attenuation poles; effect of closing main and spurious bandwidths; rational distribution of working attenuation pole on the frequency axis. Im-plementation of these sections is achieved without the isolation properties any excess elements and short-circuit electromagnetic couplings between microstrip lines nonadjacent and it determines the ease of manufacture of these structures. The results of electrodynamic 3D electromagnetic simulation of two-resonator sections with enhanced one-sided frequency selectivity, symmetrical and quasi-symmetrical frequency-response characteristics, in which is formed up to eight working attenuation poles at finite frequencies that provides enhanced frequency selectivity of sections and attenuation of spurious bandwidths. Sections are realized on the substrates with different values of the relative permittivity: ε r = 10,6 and ε r = 80.
Pages: 76-82


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