350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of cylinder-conical and polyconical collinear ultrawide-band antenna arrays
V. A. Kaloshin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Kotelnikov IRE RAS; Professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail: vak@cplire.ru Q. Z. Nguyen - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail: duynq.aic@gmail.com
The numerical simulation, optimizing and investigation of matching and radiation characteristics of collinear antenna arrays forming an omnidirectional pattern in the horizontal plane in the frequency band 3-6 GHz have been conducted with using the finite element method. Collinear antenna arrays consist of the power divider and symmetric cylinder-biconical or polyconic elements working away from the ground, or with one asymmetric element working near the ground. The two-port and three-port power dividers for antenna arrays based on the coaxial line have been designed. It has been shown, that an asymmetric element reduces the effect of the ground on matching and radiation characteristics of two-element antenna arrays and on matching characteristic of three-element antenna array only. Three-element array compared with two-element arrays provides narrower impedance matching bandwidth, but higher gain and more stable radiation pattern at high frequencies.
Pages: 34-41


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