350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Structural-parametric synthesis of a multibeam reflector antenna
D. E. Stepanov - Research Scientist of the Academy of FSGS of the Russian Federation. E-mail: stepbystep000@ya.ru
In the approximation of methods of physical optics and physical theory of diffraction the algorithm of structural-parametric synthesis of multibeam reflector antennas has been designed to solve the problem of schematic design of multibeam antenna systems of mirror type. Structural-parametric synthesis involves finding the optimal parameters: 1) shape of the reflective surface of the reflector; 2) location and orientation of the radiating elements which enter into the group irradiator in the coordinate system of a mirror; 3) amplitude-phase distribution of excitation currents in the irradiators aperture. Statement of the problem of synthesis has been performed in the treatment of cross-linking method, which determines on the basis of the existing variety of standard criteria to maximize the synthesis of integral characteristics of the antenna generally matching the electromagnetic field from the exciter field reflector. On the basis of the barycentric parameterization approach the reflecting surface is realized. The developed algorithm of structural and parametric synthesis of multibeam reflector antennas is based on the numerical solution of multi-dimensional formed multiextremal function, generally containing discontinuity points of the first and second kind. Application of the hybrid genetic gradient method with learning and prediction has been prompted to effectively find the global optimum. The procedure for setting the initial approximations for solving the general problem of structural and parametric synthesis has been defined. For the developed algorithm the numerical solution of the synthesis problem for multibeam antenna system of mirror type has been performed to evaluate its effectiveness.
Pages: 11-19


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