350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
A phased antenna array for circular surveillance near conductive cylindrical surface of the horizontal polarization radiators. Part 1: The method of electrodynamic simulation
I. A. Fanyaev - Lecturer-Trainee, Gomel State University n.a. Francisk Skorina (Gomel, Belarus). E-mail: Fanyaev@gmail.com V. P. Kudin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Gomel Engineering Institute (Gomel, Belarus). E-mail: vkudzin@mail.ru
The aim of this paper is the solution of the electrodynamic problem on excitation of a phased antenna array near conducting cylindrical surface consisting of radiators in the form of strip dipoles of horizontal polarization. The integral equation method has been used to define the current distribution on the dipoles. The basic formulas for the matrix elements and output characteristics of the antenna array have been presented.
Pages: 3-10


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