350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Signal angular resolution investigation by direction finder considering signal angular coherence
B. N. Gorevich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Designer Advisor, PJSC RMA «Almaz» (Moscow)
E-mail: bngor2013@yandex.ru
The research of angular resolution of coherent signals within adjacent angular directions has revealed the dependence between reso-lution and space-time processing method applied in direction finder as well as resolution possibility of coherent signals (at corresponding values of signal initial phases) at any angular distances between targets. It has been also determined that coherent signals resolution at small angular distances between targets is followed by systematic errors of direction finder measurement; the increase of systematic error conforms to the decrease of angular distance.
While implementing two-channel receiver for time processing of coherent signals, direction finder characteristic depends on relation between pairwise difference of signals phases and angular distance between targets. In this case phase difference of received signals doesn-t depend on time process procedures and coherent signals resolution has stochastic nature. A formula has been obtained to es-timate the resolution probability of two equivalent coherent signals as well as evaluation of top quality resolution at most appropriate relation of phase difference has been performed.
When using single-channel time processing of coherent signals, as opposed to two-channel process, direction finder characteristic depends on relation between signals phase difference, conversion-frequency signal and relative angular direction to target. This process provides feasibility of coherent signal extraction against non-coherent signal by means of phase steering of receiver reference voltage. However in case of single-channel time processing due to the fact that an expected value of a non-coherent signal output voltage of direction finder is zero, the probability of forming the direction finder characteristic, using non-coherent signals at two-channel time process, decreases.
Pages: 33-46
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