350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of subarraying in adaptive phased arrays
S. V. Petrov - Post-graduate Student, Leading Engineer, AO "VNIIRT" E-mail: petrovsv@list.ru
The dimension reduction when calculating weight vector in adaptive phased arrays is needed because of limited computing resources. Analog or digital subarraying is most popular for the dimension reduction. In the case of regularly spaced subarrays periodic replication of dips from interference sources in the antenna pattern and in the angular dependence of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) occurs, which leads to decreasing radar jamming resistance. In order to avoid this situation, in this paper we propose to use subarrays in the form of polyominoes of different types for antennas with a rectangular grid and subarrays in the form of polyhexene of different types for antennas with a triangular grid that provides an irregular arrangement of phase centers of subarrays across aperture of the antenna. The next question is how can be chosen the best variant of the antenna subarraying of many possible variants. Natural optimality criterion for adaptive phased array is minimum reduction of the SINR when changing the source of interference position in the range of visible angles. From this criterion the objective function, the minimization of which leads to the minimization of decrease in SINR, ? the maximum side lobes level of function D (u, v), is obtained. For testing the efficiency of the proposed approach computer modeling for 88 elements array is performed. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed approach solves the problem with replication of dips from interference sources in the angular dependence of SINR, and thus increases the jamming resistance of adaptive phased array radars using subarrays.
Pages: 51-55


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