350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Narrowband signals space-time processing method in phased array locators
B. N. Gorevich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Designer Advisor, PJSC RMA «Almaz» (Moscow) E-mail: bngor2013@yandex.ru
The proposed signals processing method in PAA locators is based on utilization for temporal filtering of a number of in-phase staggered tuned single channels correlators that provides increased angular signals resolution as compared to classical approach in which the matched receiver is used for temporal filtering. The essential condition of the method implementation is input phase shifts sampling at spatial signal filtering relative to PAA angular field edge. The fulfilled numerical modelling of signal processing in a locator for one of the proposed method technical realization variants confirms the achievement of increased angular signals resolution. The practical implementation of the method in real direction finding devices is limited by necessity to solve the problem of ensuring of coherency of received signal and correlators conversion frequency, at least within an angular field of directional function main lobe forming.
Pages: 23-34


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