350 rub

Journal Antennas №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The polarization characteristics of a dual-polarization phased array antenna of radar
phased array antenna
full-polarization sounding
polarization scattering matrix
measurement error
dual-polarization element patterns matrix
own polarization basis
M. W. Indenbom - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «All-Russian Scientific and Research Institure of Radiotechnics (VNIIRT)» (Moscow). E-mail: mindenbom@mail.ru
The measurement error of the polarization scattering matrix in full-polarization radar sounding space is investigated accounting the actual polarization characteristics of the periodic planar phased array with dual-polarization elements. The definition of own or optimum polarization basis is introduced, which is determined by the partial vector patterns for two polarization's inputs. Radar measurements error of the scattering polarization matrix is minimal in this basis. As well, polarization energy matrix of dual-polarization phased array is introduced which is invariant to the choice of polarization basis. Both of these concepts can be used to characterize any dual-polarization antenna system. It is shown that in the lossless infinite array antenna the polarization characteristics in its own polarization basis can be determined in a single-beam scanning sector by using the actual scattering matrix for a dual-polarization element inputs (in array environment). Measurement error of the polarization scattering matrix is determined by the ratio of maximum and minimum efficiency of the array antenna. The results of modeling a dual-polarization array of printed turnstile radiators with sloping arms are presented. It is shown that its polarization and energy characteristics can be improved by using passive directors.
Pages: 8-19
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