350 rub
Journal Antennas №9 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Ka-band feed antenna with flat-topped radiation pattern
feed antenna
flat-topped radiation pattern
array antenna
millimeter waves
beam-forming network
V. N. Mitrokhin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Senior Research Scientist of Bauman
Moscow State Technical University Research Institute
E. O. Mozharov - Post-graduate Student of Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Junior Research Scientist of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Research Institute. E-mail: eduardmozharov@yandex.ru
A. A. Propastin - Engineer of Federal State Unitary Enterprise «State Moscow Plant «Salyut». E-mail: aaprop2512@mail.ru
The aim of the article is development of an irradiator for the reflector collimator with the flat-topped radiation pattern in the form of an array of the waveguide open ends with the chessboard network of excitement in the H- and E-planes; creation of an electrodynamic model of an irradiator, its calculation by the finite-element method in the frequency domain and development of the irradiator design. Various approaches and methods of forming of the flat-topped radiation pattern have been given: by means of antenna subarrays based on a passive multipole, by means of the waveguide structures with several types of wave modes, by means of leaky-wave antennas with a dielectric layer over an aperture and dielectric rods.
The analysis of the following designs of the irradiator with the flat-topped radiation pattern has been carried out: a dielectric rod irra-diator, the antenna of the backward radiation, a waveguide-dielectric irradiator, Fabri-Perot\'s antenna, and an irradiator with the chessboard network of excitement. The Ka-band irradiator with the flat-topped radiation pattern with the one-cascade chessboard network of excitement in the E-and H-planes based on an 6×6 array of the waveguide open ends has been designed. The amplitude-phase distribution of field in the irradiator aperture has been calculated and its theoretical radiation pattern has been received. Simulation of the developed irradiator by the finite-element method in the frequency domain has been carried out. The radiation pattern with a width of the main lobe in the H-plane on level -3 dB 39 deg and in the E-plane 35 deg has been obtained. This way of forming of the flat-topped radiation pattern allows reaching the best quality of radiation pattern with more abrupt slopes both in the H- and in the E-planes. The radiation coefficient into the ideal sector for the H-plane was 85%, and for the E-plane - 79%.
The decrease of the side lobe level of irradiator radiation pattern with the chessboard network of excitement due to decline of the quality of the flat-topped radiation pattern is possible. In case of need for improvement the top of the flat-topped radiation pattern, one should use the two-cascade network with an array of 10×10 radiators.
Pages: 3-8
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