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Journal Antennas №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Measurement of directional patterns of linear element of phased an-tenna array with using an automated measuring and computing complex
E. S. Stepanov - Engineer, JSC - LEMZ R&P Corp.?. E-mail: evgeniybookah@rambler.ru K. I. Konov - Engineer, JSC - LEMZ R&P Corp.?. E-mail: konov.k.i@gmail.com K. N. Klimov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC - LEMZ R&P Corp.?. E-mail: const0@mail.ru
The measurement results of the amplitude and phase distribution for one linear element of phased antenna array (LEPAA) have been given. LEPAA is a linear transducer based on a half-open globcover waveguide with 48 emitters. The length of LEPAA is D = 39,15λ0 (where λ0 is the wavelength at the frequency F0 in free space), the width is G = 0,5λ0. The distance d between transducers is a half of wavelength in free space at the frequency F0. The measurement have been performed using the automated measuring and computing complex TMSA 1.0-40.0 B056 in a small anechoic chamber at the frequencies F0 ? ∆F; F0; F0 + ∆F. The results of calculation of directional patterns of linear element of phased antenna array have been presented. The measurement with using the automated measuring and computing complex in the near zone allows you to continue calculating their pattern, which makes it possible significantly reducing the amount of anechoic chamber and eliminating the need for measurement at open range.
Pages: 80-86


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