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Journal Antennas №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Computer modeling of GNSS antenna jamming compensator
A. S. Petrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MIEM of NRU HSE; Chief Research Scientist, URSC Branch - "ISDE" Co. Ltd. E-mail: as-petr@yandex.ru
This analytical review presents one-, two- and three-dimensional adaptive antennas signal processor schematics used in GNSS antenna jamming compensators (AJC) realized on the base of smart antennas (SMA). The equations for computer modeling of their main parameters and results obtained for AJC with space only and space-time adaptive processors have been presented. The rational antenna element arrangement at the array aperture has been recommended. The results of SMA rejection coefficient statistical analysis have been presented and some questions on super-resolution possibility in SMA properties have been concerned. The percent of the upper hemisphere (2- steradian) that exceeded a particular output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) calculation procedure has been derived. It has been demonstrated that AJC application gives rising SINR up to 10 dB at 80% points in upper part of sky hemisphere even when it\'s input value was as low as -50 dB. The small signal interference rejection algorithm in SMA has been presented. It has been established that possibility exists to remove arbitrary phase shift in desired signal received by SMA by redacting it to in-phase-counter-phase shift.
Pages: 44-64
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